Welcome to my site

This site provides both a retrospective of my art work to date, along with a chronicle of my new work and any thoughts and observations regarding this.

My work over time has ranged over a range of media, starting with photography inspired by the likes of Robert Frank and Martin Parr. Feeling restricted by the limitations of the media (and my own!) I started to paint to allow more freedom of expression, and this is currently my main discipline. However digital techniques and processes have long been core to all my work in manipulating and even creating images, even if these are then rendered through painting. I have also recently started working with printmaking, and finding a whole new world of possibilities arising.

My work ranges on a spectrum from representational to abstract, on a range of themes from family memories to current affairs, or conceptual subjects such as chance and randomness. My images  provide a reflection of the world which may be magnified, distorted, darkened, illuminated, or completely manufactured.